Saturday, September 26, 2009

Guide Update

A note to let you know what we are up to over the winter.
Kristina is living in Saint John where she is expecting her first child.
Dalen is driving to BC where he will be a ski-board bum for another winter.
Matt is back at the NB Community College in Saint Andrews where he is finishing his degree in Adventure Recreation.
Cait is in her second year of medical school at the University of Toronto.
Brent is teaching grade 1 in Saint Andrews.
Derek is pursuing a degree in nursing in BC.
Alan is in Truro - but will be travelling this winter.
Joe is finishing his training in Regina - for the RCMP.
Our Guides
Until next time.


End of Season

It is hard to believe that the 2009 season is now over. With school groups and visitors from around the world, this has been one of our best seasons yet. But now it is tme to wash up kayaks, store them for the winter, drain pipes in our kayaking centre and do other preparations to ensure an orderly beginning to the 2010 season. Speaking of which - we will be opening on May 15th.

So thank you to everyone who visited us this summer and help make it a great season. We look forward to paddling with you in 2010.

Until next time.
