Thursday, March 20, 2008


This is a winter that just keeps on giving, and on this first day of spring it appears that winter is refusing to give up its grip. But there are a few signs that warmer weather is around the corner. The Bay is clear of ice - though there is still plenty in FreshAir Adventure's front yard. And there is even a hint of green where the warmer rays of the Sun are penetrating the more protected areas of the lawn.

On another note, tourist operators up and down the road are in preparation for the new season, and in Fundy National Park, work is progressing on their new interpretation centre. Here at FreshAir, items on our "to do" list are slowly being ticked off for our opening on May 16.

On a personal note I have just returned from a month in Argentina where it is truly warm and the season is marching towards winter as we slowly approach summer.

Until next time;
